"Hi! My name is Katsune and I am the official mascot for Onyx Magic Studios and all artwork by BlackMagickFox."
Let me tell you a little about BlackMagickFox and what you're looking at. *giggles* First you'll notice that most of the art you will see here is of the "furry/fantasy" related cuuuz ya know, He's a fur! N<3 H8! And of course, most of the work he has been commissioned for is usually of an "adult" nature. Ya know the old adage about how sex sells. But, he is not one to judge and so he has very few "hard limits" of things he absolutely won't draw which most entails things that are illegal or don't use good common sense. His art education is self taught and he works every time he can to improve his work which actually uses several styles instead of settling to just one way of doing things. He has illustrated books and magazine covers, designed logos and other business related material, done modeling photography, and even done fantasy paintings over and above the typical commissions of which he is always open to taking more. He has also made and sold many types of crafts in the past such as chain maile and dream catchers. *snickers* He really is a Jack of all Trades! He will always need some patience with his deadlines as he is disabled with several nervous system crippling ailments, however his own work ethic makes him push himself as hard as can be and usually he surprises most at how he gets his deadlines met early! Though he usually doesn't make it to conventions, he can ALWAYS be reached [here] for any questions, or if you'd like a quote. Below are most of his guidelines for commissions, but since he tries to take all requests and not only make his customers happy, but he rarely sticks directly to his price lists as he tries to give his customers the best deal they can find for the same quality of work. So why not let Onyx Magic Studios bring your fantasies to reality!

Terms of Service
Thanks for thinking about commissioning me. I hope I can provide you with an experience that will be both enjoyable and rewarding!
Paying for a commission acknowledges that you have read and agreed to the following Terms of Service.
These are subject to change without notice, but I will do my best to announce any large changes. If you have any questions about the terms, email me before payment please!!
I start the commission process when you(the customer) fill out a form for me(the artist) to review. Once I review it, I'll either approve of it, deny it, or ask for more details/clarification. Once I receive the payment, I'll place you on my queue list. Payment is ALWAYS required up front and in full, before work can start. This ensures your slot in the queue and payment will be held by me and not used untill the work is completed. When I'm ready to work on a piece, I'll draw a rough sketch* and send it to you via e-mail for review.
At this point of the process, you can have the option to request any revisions or additions, not passing the level of detail and complexity of the original commission request. Full redraws and/or a change in the original commission will result in additional charges to be determined by me on a case-by-case basis. !!Any/all changes or redraws must be requested at this point!! No other changes to the piece can be made after this point ans once you the commissioner give approval, past this point the piece will be completed. Once you have either requested revisions or given your approval, I'll move the commission onto the inking stage**.
Once I have completed the commission, I'll send you via e-mail, a large, unwatermarked version of your image (.png format unless otherwise requested). If the commission is a traditional media work, i.e a work which produces an original, you will receive a high quality copy unless otherwise requested. !!I reserve the right to keep the original work as this will be filed away for your protection, so that if ever you need to get a new copy, i.e. you have lost your old copy or it has been destroyed, I can provide you with on for the price of a print and shipping.!!
* Note; please be aware that upon the reviewing process of my rough sketches, they will be watermarked with a large stamp on it for theft-safety precautions.
Usage Rights
I reserve the right to use the full, unwatermarked commission image as I see fit, including but not limited to producing and selling prints of it and other commercial purposes, posting it to my online galleries (normally a small, watermarked image in this case), and using it in my portfolio(s). Unless otherwise negotiated, I will retain full commercial and distribution rights on any image or work I produce.
You may use the commission image, both the large, unwatermarked version and a smaller, watermarked version if you wish to be provided with one, as you please PROVIDED that you do not use the image for commercial purposes (printing *unless you intend the print to be for personal use only, i.e. posters or framed pictures*, use as a logo, etc). You may not make a profit off of the commission image. I would prefer it if you did not alter the commission image, but you may do so if you wish. You may not claim the image or any part of it was created by anyone other than me (with the exception of any minor details edited by you the customer), and I would prefer it if you would provide a 'link-back' or other form of credit to me if you post the image online. You shall not claim ownership of any characters not belonging to you.
Further rights of usage may be available for purchase from me, such as commercial usage rights, distribution rights, etc. If interested, please include any inquiries with the original commission request.
Subject Matter
I reserve the right to refuse a commission request on any grounds as I see fit, but will not usually refuse a commission request based on subject matter. Some subject matter may incur additional costs; these charges are entirely at my discretion and are non-negotiable.
All commission styles are available for adult/erotic subject matter. Below I have listed what I WILL and WILL NOT draw. By commissioning me for adult/erotic subject matter, you assert and affirm that you are of legal age to view and purchase items of an adult nature.
- Females
- Males
- yaoi/gay stuff
- yuri/lesbian stuff
- Bondage
- Hardcore (rough stuff)
- Herms
- Dick girls
- Cunt-Boy
- Cartoon stuff
- Fan characters turn into furries/anthro is ok with me
- Cartoon characters
- Tentacles
- Scat (also anything that has to do with it)
- Vore
- Gore (battle wounds like scars and little blood is fine but, cut out body parts and missing arms and legs, NO)
- Strech-out (body parts and stuff)
- Centaur
- Aliens (sexy cartoon aliens are fine but anything like aliens from the movies like the queen and stuff, maybe? I have drawn some things like it, so all I can say is I can try...)
- Hyper
- Baby Fur (I am not great at drawing things that look relativly younger as opposed to chibi, but I can try, and you and your mate's "kids" are fine, but if you have to ask what I mean by baby fur, loli, lolicon, etc. then by default the answer is NO)
I reserve the right to terminate the commission process at any time as I see fit*.
Should this occur, I will provide a partial refund less materials and work completed. Whether or not the commissioner is entitled to receive said completed work and whether or not the commissioner retains any usage rights on the completed work will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Refunds CANNOT be provided for completed works.
If you paid for insurance as a part of shipping and handling on an original work, and the original is lost or damaged in the mail, you may be entitled to compensation on a case-by-case basis. Proof of loss or damage will be required.
*While I do reserve this right, I have not yet had to use it, and I prefer to keep it that way.
!!This list may be subject to change!!
I mail original works in bubble mailers, with a thicker card or cardboard material backing if I think it's necessary, and send them uninsured first-class. If you desire your work to be mailed in a different fashion, you may request it; extra charges may apply.
Shipping and handling costs are as follows:
Domestic: (US & Canada) 10" x 13" or smaller envelopes under a pound: $4
Other: cost determined on a case-by-case basis
I will not be responsible for anything damaged or lost in the mail.
Waiting Times, Deadlines & the Waiting List
Unless otherwise negotiated, I will work on each commission on the waiting list in roughly chronological order from payment. At any given time, I will most likely be working on more than one commission at once based on the types of commissions on the list and the timeliness of responses on sketch reviews.
You may ONLY request a deadline at the time of the original commission request. Deadline requests must be reasonable to be accepted; additional charges may apply. Whether or not a request is reasonable and whether or not additional charges apply (and what said charges amount to, if applicable) shall be determined by me on a case-by-case basis and the decisions, once made. are non-negotiable.
You may request an approximate estimate of current waiting time at any time during the commission process; however, keep in mind that any estimates will be rough guesses at best and are not to be considered hard deadlines.
Acceptable Methods of Payment
I use PayPal, however this does not mean you need to have PayPal to pay me. I will send you an invoice to the email you provide when you are ready to pay. This invoice will give you the option to pay with any credit, debit, or prepaid debit (i.e. visa gift cards). I may consider other forms of payment such as money orders, however I WILL NOT accept checks or cash in the mail for security reasons.

General Conduct Guidelines
Please be straight forward, patient, polite, and as picky as you like about your commission. I'd like to make your image as perfect for you as I possibly can. Please be prepared to pay before I start work. Please don't commission me for a character that isn't yours unless you have permission that you can provide - I may make exceptions in some cases if the image needs to be a surprise and you can provide evidence that the character's owner is comfortable with the subject matter i.e. your mate, friend, etc... Please keep in mind that all prices given are BASE PRICES; each commission is customized to meet your specific needs and desires, so any additional charges will be nominal and your individual price may be different based on detail and complexity but will be discussed and approved on by you before any actions are taken.
If you're not sure about something, PLEASE ASK ME! :)
If you're still interested in commission me, then send me a note, or an e-mail at onyxmagicstudios@gmail.com and make sure to include the following "form".
Name: (your username, and where this is coming from, i.e. FA, Inkbunny, etc.)
Character Reference: (it has to be a flat or fully colored pic of your characters so that way I have a good idea of what the character design is)
Pose: (very short description and also what outfit if they are wearing one)
Private/Public: (so that way if you want it private I won't be posting it up on my gallery)
All questions, comments, etc. as well as all PayPal payments and donations can be sent to...
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